Wednesday, June 20, 2012

General Orientation Info

Hello All... Posting this here in case your Team Captains did not get this information to you. If they didn't- tsp, tsk. Bug them.

We still need to get confirmation that you received this info from the following teams:
80's Prom, The Spelunkers, Vanity Not Fair, Pacific Hellraisers, and WellsFargo1

Send confirmation to - and make sure we can get through your SPAM folder!

Dear Scavengers,

You are one of the lucky 40+ teams enrolled in SCAVENGE BOWL V!  Congratulations.  You are about to embark on seven of the finest hours of your life.  Here is all the necessary information you need to start planning for The Scavenge Bowl…

YOUR TEAM:             As captain, you are responsible for your teammates getting all the necessary information and for passing these instructions along.

If you need to make any changes to your TEAM ROSTER, or change your TEAM NAME, JUNE 20th will be the FINAL DAY FOR ALL CHANGES.  NO EXCEPTIONS. 

If you have only registered a team of FOUR players, that’s fine! If you wish to add a FIFTH- the 20th is the FINAL DEADLINE. We must have all names by that date.

Please check the bottom of this message to see if we are missing any information and to confirm all of your information is correct. We will use both the phone number and e-mail address listed to communicate with you on the night of the Bowl- so please make sure everything is correct.

WHEN:                       The hunt will start PROMPTLY at MIDNIGHT the night of Friday, June 22nd/morning of June 23rd.
                                    We ask that you PLEASE show up between 10:00 PM and 11:30 PM to CHECK-IN. All teams MUST check-in with us the night of the Bowl by 11:45 PM. There will be treats and coffee to buy, as well as Pre-Bowl entertainment- so come by early! It could benefit you later!

                                    WE WILL BE STARTING Pre-Bowl Ceremonies at 11:45 PM so that the BOWL begins promptly at MIDNIGHT. PLEASE BE ON TIME (by 11:30pm at the LATEST).  The BOWL will end at exactly 7 AM at a place that you will find out the night of the Bowl.

WHERE:                     The bowl will commence at JONES COFFEE ROASTERS located at 693 S Raymond Ave Pasadena, CA. 91105.
                                    As we will be using JONES Parking Lot for the Event itself, we ask that you utilize the Street Parking around JONES. There will be plenty! There is also ample parking at the GOLD LINE Fillmore Station located less than 100 yards from JONES.

                                    JONES will be serving coffee and other treats so that you can get your caffeine and energy fix at the start of the Bowl! Bring some petty cash to get coffee and treats! So get there early to hang out, meet the other teams, and enjoy the great premium coffee!

WAIVER:                    The online waiver that each team agreed to will need to be signed as a hard copy upon check-in. ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST SIGN THIS WAIVER. It is available for review on our website.

YOUR CAR:               Make sure that your car is reliable and ready for the night.  The last thing you would want is a car breakdown.  REMEMBER- YOU CAN ONLY USE ONE CAR FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT.  There are serious penalties for breaking this rule- so choose your ride wisely. 
                                    It is best if your team can show up all together in one car to JONES COFFEE ROASTERS. If this cannot happen- please note all street parking signs. We will not be liable for any tickets. Safest to just bring one car to the Bowl start location. Also remember- the END POINT of the Bowl might not be the same as the START.

                                    As many team members as need to can drive for your team.  EXTRA BONUS POINTS for decorating your team car to go along with your team theme/costumes…

COSTUMES:              YES-  You will need to wear uniforms/costumes for the BOWL.  These can be whatever you want- but be aware you will be required to wear them for the course of the entire event. Choose wisely. Creativity, style AND comfort should all be in play. Best Costumes will be receiving points- so it isn’t a throw away. And after all- it’s fun!

YOUR CAMERA:       You will need to organize your team to bring ONE digital camera.  If you do not have a digital camera between your team members- please let us know RIGHT AWAY.  The camera needs to be able to take both pictures AND video.  Please have EMPTY memory card(s) at the start of the night.  We will allow a total of TWO memory cards and one camera for Bowl-related pictures and videos.  We will be looking at your memory card(s) at Check-In to make sure they are BLANK.  If you would like to take pictures for “fun” you should bring a second camera to do so.  The camera for the Hunt will need to be used for specific purposes, and you won’t want to double up with other photos on the same memory card(s).

DRUGS/ALCOHOL: You’re all adults and you can do what you want- but trust us when we say you will not have nearly as much fun or be nearly as productive if you aren’t sober.  And needless to say- there is driving involved.  Please don’t ruin the fun for all of us (including us guys in charge of the thing) by being stupid.

PRE-BOWL:               There will be a lot of activity going on with our Social Media and our website leading up to the Bowl. We suggest that as many team members as possible “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter. It will also help you for the actual Bowl.

TEAM PROFILE:         To build a competitive nature between the teams, we love to highlight each of you on our Website/Facebook/Twitter.
                                    Please send us a short Intro to your team (say whatever you want- creativity is a cool thing) and a Picture (Can be of your team/a team logo/something random, whatever you want)!  And then check in to comment on other teams profiles. Trust us- the Bowl is a lot more fun with some friendly smack talk between teams! So we urge you to be vocal- be part of the Scavenge Bowl community- have your voice heard!

            This is a night you will never forget. We can’t wait! Please feel free to send us any questions/comments/concerns to this e-mail address. We want you to have the best time ever- just don’t expect us to give away any secrets!

Eric, Jacob & Doug

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