Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Life Quixotic with The Illest Crew

Every man with integrity has his “white whale.” For some, it hinges upon matters of revenge and for others it is psychological, tapping into the basic need for personal fulfillment. For Captain Michael Greenwald, his metaphorical oceanic beast is the mythical “Scavenge Bowl.” If legend speaketh the truth, Captain M.J.G. lost a partner to The Bowl back in 1992. We mustn’t continue to pour salt into these angry wounds. Instead, with the help of a fearless and stalwart crew, Captain Mike will finally settle his score and will slay the Bowl. Ted Barnes, Jenina Kibuka, Bryce Schramm, and Tessa Williams will fight. And they will win. And one day, this too will only be a rattling whisper on the wings of Legend. 

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