Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Saved By The Bell: The Other Class

Team Members
Cap: Mike Pence
Underlings: Kara Fascitelli, Danielle McKechnie, Donald Pennington, Vanessa Gomez

So, like, Mr. Belding suggested that we do something over summer vaca that would look good on our college applications, and since Malibu Sands is sooo ’11, we thought, why not bring the Tigers to the Scavenge Bowl. 
Unfortunately, Miss Bliss gave us a couple of conditions.
Zack and Slater vowed they wouldn’t fight over that slut Kelly. Jessie promised not to get all coked out on caffeine pills. Lisa agreed to shut the fuck up for once, and Screech isn’t invited. 
bee-b-bee-b-b-b-bee!  bee-b-bee-b-b-b-bee  GO BAYSIDE!

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