Thursday, June 21, 2012


Yo ho ho an' a bottle o' “We’re gonna rip an’ burn yer Jolly Roger”

All ye scrappy scavenger bilge rats best be lookin' out! The Wing-it Wenches are headin’ yer way again, and we’re gonna make the lot o’ ye mangy cockroaches walk the gangplanks. In yer wretched stinkin’ skivvies.

If ye pompous gasbags see a pirate ship (or a caaaaarrr that looks like a pirate ship), ye best sail (or drive) the other way… because nothin' be gettin’ in our way. (Except maybe scurvy.)

We’re the Wing-It-Wenches and our motto is: whatever it takes. (Ye bilge-drinkin' swabs!)

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